Kitchen Cleaning Tips and Tricks - 7 Habits For A Cleaner Kitchen

Kitchen Cleaning Tips and Tricks – 7 Habits For A Cleaner Kitchen

Hi, today, I want to share my favorite 7 habits for a cleaner Kitchen. Plus, you’ll be able to see my kitchen cleaning routine and kitchen cleaning tips and tricks that help me to keep my kitchen clean.

Habit #1

Habit #1 is to wake up to a clean kitchen this way you’ll feel 3 steps ahead instead of 3 steps behind. But, to have a clean kitchen in the morning, you’ll need to clean your kitchen at night before you go to bed.

So, habit #1 is to have a quick speed cleaning session before bed. I always start clearing the counter and stove, taking all of the dishes, pots, and pans to the sink. Then load your dishwasher and turn it on, or wash all of the dishes by hand. Afterward, spray the counter and stove with your favorite all-purpose spray and quickly wipe everything.

If you have little children, then you probably should wipe the sticky handprints off the stools, refrigerator, and dishwasher. This quick routine might take you around 10 to 20 minutes, but if you have a couple of minutes to spare, then you can quickly sweep the floor.

Habit #2

I usually don’t unload the dishwasher before bed. So, habit #2 is to unload the dishwasher in the morning before you start cooking. This way, you can put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher while you’re cooking. I noticed that I’m more willing to clean as I cook when the dishwasher is empty. So, I make sure to unload the dishwasher before I start cooking, whether its for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Habit #3

Habit #3 goes along with habit #2, which is clean as you cook. I used to peel and chop the vegetables right by my cutting board, which gave me an extra thing to clean after I finished peeling and chopping. Then I started collecting all the scraps in a bowl, but I didn’t like washing another bowl after I cooked a big meal. So, I started peeling and chopping my food right by my garbage.

Cleaning as you cook also means that you put the spices, oil, and produce back where they belong right after you use them. This way, your counter will look clean even after cooking a big meal.

Habit #4

That leads me to Habit #4, which is to organize your kitchen, so everything has a home. You’ll be able to put things back where they belong so you won’t be looking for it the next time you cook or bake.

Habit #5

Now that you finished cleaning as you cook. Habit #5 is to make sure to wipe the counter and stove after every meal. The counter/table takes up a majority of the room in the kitchen. So, if you clean the kitchen counter and stove, then your kitchen will look 80% cleaner even if you didn’t get a chance to load the dishwasher after you ate. It happens to me more than I like to admit whether I had other things to do or I was just too exhausted from cooking.

Clearing and wiping the counter instantly makes the kitchen cleaner. If you have time and the energy, then load the dishwasher after every meal. I’ll usually finish loading the dishwasher during my nighttime cleaning routine.

Habit #6

Habit #6 goes along with cooking, and that’s meal planning. I love meal planning for a couple of reasons. One is that you’ll waste less time thinking about what you’ll have for dinner.

The second reason is that you’ll be able to use up all of the products in your fridge/freezer/pantry because you’ll be buying food that you’ll need for that week. Meal planning will help you save time and money. On the plus side, before you buy your groceries, you can quickly clean your half-empty fridge because you cooked what you purchased for that week.

Habit #7

Habit #7 is to stop being distracted. I understand if you need to stop what you’re doing to break up a fight or calm down a crying baby, but I’m talking about other distraction which might be your phone. Whether you just got a message, email, or your checking your favorite social media apps. When it comes to cleaning, put the phone away. Either hide your phone from reach or delete the apps that temp you. This way, when you have 3 minutes to spare while you onion is cooking. You can do habit #2, which is to clean as you cook — every minute counts on keeping a clean kitchen.

What’s your favorite kitchen cleaning tip?

Thank you for stopping by and have a good day!

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